‘Tis the Season
by Ana Palles
Originally Published: December 2006
The holidays are in full swing and before you know it, another year has passed. There are few times as guided by family traditions as Christmas. All of us performing our holiday rituals that distinguishes our family from someone else’s. We might have special foods that we prepare – Sugar cookies, Turron, Crème de Vie, Stollen, we might put shoes out for Santa, or light special commemorative candles and hang special ornaments.
Whatever we do, and however we do it, is distinct and special for our family. It identifies us as family groups. Sometimes we are very aware of what makes our family special, sometimes we simply take it in stride that things have just always been done a certain way.
Our message to you this holiday season is a simple reminder to be observant of what you do this year. Celebrate all those who are present with you this holiday, and send gratitude and blessings to those who are not.
Make it a point to be appreciative. I know it’s a surprise to hear it, but the holidays really are about the gifts. We simply have been forgetting to focus on the true gifts in our lives:our health, our prosperity and each other.
It is never too late to tell someone how much you have appreciated them and what they have represented for you. Try lighting a candle in church, setting out bird seed in their honor, using incense or burning sage, blowing the smoke out to spirit and the four winds sending blessings. Use your Kobbi stones or your Blessings Bowl.
Whatever ceremony is already a part of your program, or new ones that you choose to create for yourself, the important element is focusing on giving gratitude for that person’s or persons presence in your life. Pure heart, pure love and thankfulness, without agenda.
May this be a wonderful holiday for you and yours!