It is a win-win situation when you find earrings that are both beautiful and have a powerful energy with multiple benefits. Moldavite earrings are a prime example. The deep green of moldavite earrings can’t help but have you thinking about the earth, even though this stone is star-born.
Moldavite is formed in asteroid impact and is found only in Czechoslovakia despite having been extensively searched for in other places. Being a rare stone makes it all the more special to own moldavite earrings, even if it doesn’t have the oomph that is so characteristic of Moldavite.
Moldavite carries the energy of the asteroid impact that formed it, and it’s believed to be a blend of both earthly and extraterrestrial material that vaporized and then re-solidified. Nobody really knows why Moldavite got its unique and beautiful green color, but it makes for a very special pair of earrings or any other jewelry.
Wearing moldavite earrings can help you feel more confident, not only from the energy of the moldavite itself, but also from the compliments you are sure to receive about the beauty of the stones. Moldavite is also a perfect partner stone when wanting to break down barriers and create transformation in your life.
At, we offer a wide variety of unique jewelry items, including unique moldavite earrings and several other types of gemstones that have a deeper meaning and energy, as well as great beauty. Reach out today with any questions you might have or if you would like assistance selecting earrings for yourself or as a gift.