Fossil Mammoth and Walrus Ivory

January 25, 2019 1 min read

Fossil Mammoth and Walrus Ivory

Shop Our Fossil Mammoth and Walrus

The first thing I simply can't say enough, is that FOSSIL Mammoth and Walrus Ivory is NOT elephant or rhinoceros ivory. No modern day animals were killed by modern day humans to acquire fossil ivory - although I can't speak for ancient humans/hominids. lol >p

Fossil Mammoth and Walrus Ivory comes out of the ground in Alaska and Siberia, and much of it is actually found as a by-product of gold mining. In Alaska (Fossil Walrus Ivory), the local tribes actually control the acquisition and distribution.

Fossil Mammoth and Walrus Ivory has a warmth and organic feel not found in other ancient fossils. It feels friendlier, more familiar, while still carrying that deep connection to the ancient past. Fossil Mammoth and Walrus Ivory is very helpful for connecting with the animals and natural world of the ancient past, and for learning the deep lessons only time brings.

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